User's guide /


Scheduled Task

OBS ERP allows you to create Scheduled Tasks in every ERP module or create global tasks in the Main Scheduler:


Scheduled Tasks

To create new task you need to perform the following steps:
Step 1. Insert the name of the new task
Step 2. Insert a description for the new task 
Step 3. When - insert information about the timing of the event
 3.1. Start - select Start date and time for the event
 3.2. End -  select  End date and time for the event
 3.3. Every - select rule - you need to pick either a period  Days/Hours/Minutes/Seconds or fixed date of the month.

Example 1:  Every 7 Days, Every 120 Minutes
Example 2:  Every month on 1th At 12:00 GMT+00

3.4 Count of execution - insert how many times you would like to run the event. You should consider the Start- End period and the Rule you have already entered. 


  Start - 2019-01-01
  End   - 2020-01-01
  Rule: Every month on 1 At 12:00 GMT+00
  Count -  in order to have one event per month for 1 year period you should enter 12 or more.

Step 4. What - insert information about what you want to perform
4.1. Execute -  select function that you would like to execute.  Please press the magnifier to read  description and required parameters for each function.

Example: SendEmail - send notification email with  template to one or more mails
Example: RunReport - This function runs a custom report, stores it in an excel sheet and sends it out to defined recipients.
You can find more about custom reports in Data Filtering section. 

4.2. Parameters - insert specific parameters
4.3. Active - YES/NO
4.4. Send notification - YES/NO
4.5. Recipients - e-mails (semicolon delimited)